Return bus ticket from Ahmedabad to Mumbai, 1200 rs.
Cost of 2 free Sunburn passes given up to come home early, 9000 rs.
Being welcomed home after 3 months by a sweater clad basset hound who refuses to stop licking your face... priceless
There are some experiences that money can buy, for everything else, just come back home.
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article 52
Happy Birthday Aman
lust - n. intense or unrestrained craving
the Indian football dream
3 months ago Wavin' Flag was the song on everyone's lips and the one set as their ringtones. Shaikra's Waka Waka also did manage to get its share of caller tunes, and this was all amidst the fan frenzy the ongoing FIFA World Cup had created. That was also the time when I had moved from the small town of Ahmedabad to mighty Mumbai, so fortunately for me I experienced everything from matches on big screens to free vuvuzela give aways and more importantly an atmosphere with like minded, jersey clad, football fanatics all around me. This really made me wonder, how big football is and how big it can get in a sub-continent over-populated with cricket lovers.
Living in Ahmedabad, it wasn't as if I didn't know that football was very sought after in our country. I knew that 1,25,000 football crazies had gathered at the Saltlake stadium when the sport bid good bye to one of the best goal keepers it had seen. I knew it when Sunil Chhetri signed a 3 year deal with Queens Park Rangers, but sadly never got a work permit from the British Government. I knew all about Maradona's India tour and the chaos that went behind it. Yes, I did keep myself updated with the news, but could never realize the magnitude of it till I experienced the World Cup in Mumbai.
I had underestimated the sport's reach in India. It comes second only to cricket and even though the fan base is majorly filled with support for the EPL big 4, Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool, I realized there lies a huge store of untapped potential for football in India. Even though I have been a loyal and devoted Red Devils fan for the last 10 years or so, I won't deny that it pinches every time I realize that I cannot muster up the same level of devotion and obsession for an Indian club… or even for our infamous Indian football team.
I'd hate it if football comes out to be a demi god for those who treat Sachin as God and Cricket as a religion… being a sports lover, I have my own fanaticism for cricket and the Indian cricket team. The inception and success of the Indian Premier League not only proves that its possible to boost love for an already crazed sport to infinite levels, but also that if the right amount of dynamism is put, the I-League or the Durand Cup and others alike can be bought very near to cricket if not beyond it.
Comparing the EPL to I-League will surely be apples to oranges, but I can't help but reason that if the EPL can grow to this magnitude in terms of not only its fan base but also as an invaluable TV product, beyond the borders of its tiny origin country, if put through the right channels and with efforts not unknown to the professionals and sportsmen in India, football will not be too far behind.
Football may not have a Sachin Tendulkar of its own, but we still have cities like Goa, Kolkata and Mumbai where the sport is big. In a massive country like ours, it may be difficult to replicate efforts and its effects made at city to another, but considering the untapped potential in our upcoming footballers and possible future infrastructural avenues, cities like Bangalore, Delhi and Ahmedabad may also end up having a Mohun Bagan for them.
Even though my team ended up on the losing side in the World Cup final match, the experience of witnessing the World Cup here made it possible for me to look at the bigger picture football has produced. How I wished at the start of every match that I could chorus along Wavin' Flag to the Indian contingent coming through the tunnels at South Africa and not to some other country I haven't even been to.
He has always been the sun to my solar cells... the plecktrum to my strings... the new chord to my metronomeous life... the Laxman to his ram... and the brother who would make even Laxman red with envy.
One of the super-prime reasons I miss Ahmedabad a lot!
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chasing trains
This gets aptly complimented by my iPod and a very often heard playlist made off a couple of selected Dire Straits, Pink Floyd and a lot of bolly songs. Ironically, these 40 minutes spent amidst a small cabin over-filled with equally exhausted and cranky men, itching to reach home, slows down time for me.
Blaring head phones and passing trains lands me in a trance; one which goes in thinking. Thinking about changes that have recently come out of nowhere... thinking about life in Mumbai, the 8 40 train in the morning, the money to be spent on rent, food, travelling, milk and beer... about the recently acquired bachelor pad I plan to 'super' & 'prime' up in every way possible... thinking about work and my aim to hit it big in sports and managing my brother one day... thinking about writing and my dream to write the best story ever written... about constantly battling with a life-long disorder, I hope I don't lose the fight against... thinking about Smokey, my love for him and every one of his kin and what can I do about it... thinking about the ease Ahmedabad was naturally gifted with... and trying to be patient about the struggle which has just started and which will manifest into something good.
This is the 40 minute train ride home everyday, which is daily spent amidst 70 other working men in a cramped space, finding place enough to stand and breathe on my lucky days. No, this duration doesn't cease my already tired mind to stop thinking, but gives me in a weird and magical way some peace of mind.
This is a wee part of life in a city they say never sleeps... and I've come to cherish every second of it... even on my worst days.
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flat hunting
blood is thicker than your ego
Thereafter, I spent the next 2 hours looking at a love tale being weaved between the guy who played Cedric Diggory and a girl, who I had never heard of before. I would be lying if I said that I enjoyed the movie; I actually thoroughly enjoyed it and was glad not to have spent those 2 hours like every other nite, on the phone wasting all my witty flirts on a girl who'd eventually end up telling me about her latest boy friend… sigh! Anyways, I did find it very entertaining and thus according to the post-movie ritual, next came the movie's IMDB and wiki page. Besides the hundred other irrelevant insights I got from those pages, the realization also dawned that Twilight was a movie adaptation of a series of best seller books, and was just part 1 of the upcoming 3 more.
I felt naively ignorant at first; it was soon replaced by inquisitiveness and like a dog who'll try to sniff out even a new sound that reaches his ears, I sniffed my way to the nearest bookstore to swipe a wee part of my month's pay check for Book 1 of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight saga.
It's been pretty long since this happened. I've been through the first 2 books as well as the movies since then. The series' sudden and massive fan wave that engulfed the country in the past few months, has and with no surprises been pre-dominantly inhabited by the opposite sex and I had the fortune of being a part of it.
When I and a few others of my kin look at Twilight and its other instalments, we consider it as just another means to an end that'll satisfy our fanboy'ism lust. Many others unfortunately have wavelengths which are different than ours. Quite a few guys, actually a lot of them in fact think of it as a story about a girl who has been given a character with an empty shell; one which almost any girl can fit into and about a guy who is immortal and can run and jump may be as fast as superman and is devoid obviously of the external underpants, and shines like a diamond. Why wouldn't any girl and/or woman fall in love with such a guy; aren't diamonds supposed to be a woman's best friend? Anyways, while I don't blame my male counterparts for considering the series nonsensical and dismiss it as being 'chick flicks', I do have some other thoughts, to suggest the other wise.
Definition of a Chick Flick:
- Movies generally based on a girl or a group of girls, subtly to be termed as desperate, out to get something and/or someone
- Scripts written specifically to attract the fairer sex to the silver screens, many of whom will pull their male partners for it
- Movies with adult content ranging from parental guidance to adversely 18+ at times
- And finally those which do not probe your IQ level and make sure you leave the theatre either with a smile or at least a good nap amidst comfortable sleeping conditions
So instead of waiting for a miracle to happen, I'd rather take the easier way out, go for one of these so termed chick flicks and at least try and get closer to the 'her' in my life; if any. And anyways, if that doesn't happen, there is always the adult content to look forward to. These movies thus, do have a lot to offer to the male population and I can't help but wonder why and who coined them as 'chick flicks'.
On asking 10 of the very few female friends that I have; 9 of them turned out to be ardent followers of the Twilight saga, 6 of who have already read all the 4 books. So the options are to either be a chauvinist and give myself a not-so required ego massage and ridicule the series… or give the series a try, watch the movies, may be even read the books, and have 9 times more chances to go with one of those 9 friends for any forth coming similar movies and have more topics to talk about with those Twilight fans of the fairer sex. With the risk of sounding like a guy desperate to talk to women, who I'm not… at least not completely, I don't really see why any guy would find it difficult to choose the later option.
If one of us still continues to despise the Twilight series and others alike, good for you. I sincerely hope your secret fascination and curiosity for the vampire clan is not revealed and this false hatred and ridicule goes a long successful way in finding you a female companion for yourself.
The Twilight series is based on the legendary mythical battle raging between vampires and werewolves. The movies thus have a lot of action, many of which are performed by a bunch stunning women. Other than the slight drawback of now having to face and compete with every girl's expectations of her guy coming into her room in one leap through the window or just by shining like a 24 carat stone, I can't really see why a guy would have to pretend to like the series.
With the 3rd instalment of the Twilight saga, Eclipse hitting the theatres in less than a month, I can safely predict a lot of girls coaxing and cajoling their male partners into taking them for the first day, first show. For those who do manage to do this, I'm glad that you're found yourself a good guy; for others who don't, just remind him of the time he took you for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
6 years
Thank you Mom and Dad for never trying this.
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birthday therapy
Amongst the very many activities or tasks that us humans deem as therapeutic, I think birthdays have to top the list. Of course music helps, so does reading and/or writing... various other sorts of bodily indulgences along with a few gaseous or liquid intoxicants can always turn a frown upside down; and of course nothing like a month's pay check written off at a mall while shopping to color away those blues. But then all of this on one side while birthdays on the other, the later shall still tip the scale by a transparent margin. They're like a day long guilt free pass given by Bhrama himself, giving one automatic redemption in form off forgiven sins and ignored mistakes.
I might have exaggerated a wee bit when I mentioned 'disaster' earlier. It wasn't really a disaster, but more like a plan; one which was almost certain and bound to happen... but rotten luck hit, shit happened and a dream nurtured over 6 months has to be flushed down the tubes. If I had to scribble about this a week back, the post would've been reflected a sad, suicidal and a mighty frustrating tone... but a few individuals had something else in store for me.
My 21st party was exactly how it should've been... wet, retro, pink and of course Superman'd. Last year I wondered, whats the big fuss about birthdays and got a pretty watery answer (read here), so this year I didn't dare ask or wonder about anything; I just witnessed, observed and realized, how a handful of people can make a planetful of difference.
My first Bro/Wingman, thanks a lot for being so awesome and for all the decisions you've always made for me. I've cherished every drop of alcohol (and adventures we've had because of the same) with you. I hope that you're the DJ at all of my parties and wish that I get to backpack with you very soon.
Lifetime girlfriend/neighbor, I don't think gifts can get ever get as creative as yours was. 21 years and am proud to add closest to the 'oldest friends' tag we share. You were really missed and I owe you a grand treat when you're here next. Please thank your crew on my behalf.
Dance partner, need I say how Super you are. If the last 4 years have been awesome, then the last 4 months have been awesome's great grandfather... I eagerly look forward to the upcoming ones. Thanks for always being around and letting me be there as well. I hope you are working on your jokes.
Sahil, I missed you a lot man. Lukka chuppi on webcam made the almost perfect birthday more than perfect.
Cousin twin brother, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. No words can ever do justice to how precious you are to me. Lakshman would turn red with envy if he were here to see your love and support as a brother, for even his brotherhood for Rama wouldn't have been this super.
Madam Baroness & Mandrake, my last 2 parties have been 'intoxicating' because of your help, thank you so much. For this year's gift, thanks will spoil the gladness I feel everytime I look at it. It makes a 10-star addition to my Superman collection.
Dad & Mom, thanks for being such superbly 'cool' parents for the last 21 years. Samir uncle, I hope you don't mind being addressed as Godfather; you've been the coolest 35 year old for a long long time and I hope you are always around.
Twin brother's girl friend, blondie, bag-man, pothead, bird lady, snow white, bimbo, hotstuff, spandy, first year junior... I hope you get your nick names and I apologize for not mentioning more about you... but please do know, it was perfect because you danced like it was nobody's business, because you followed the theme perfectly, because you made the party green, because you appreciated the servings, because you all came with gifts and because you were there. Everything made me much more happy than what I look in the picture below.
from Demons of Chitrakut
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lust day
Girl: Hey, what are you drinking?
Boy: It's 'Magic Beer'
Girl: What magic does it have?
Boy: Wanna see?
Boy jumps out of the window, flies in the air, climbs a couple of sky scrapers, & jumps back in.
Girl (amazed): I can't believe it. I must have this drink, too.
Boy to Bartender: Give her what I'm having.
Girl drinks the beer, jumps out of the window, falls from 4th floor, and dies.
Bartender: You know what Superman... You're an asshole when you're drunk!
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article 109
stranger than fiction
the bro code
Some of my favorite quotes:
"There's no such thing as a soul. It's just something they made up to scare kids, like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson" Bart Simpson
"I bought you a tune sandwich. They say it's brain food. I guess because there's so much dolphin in it and you know how smart they are" Marge Simpson
"Romance is dead - it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized and sold off piece by piece" Lisa Simpson
"Eat my shorts" Bart Simpson
"Doughnuts! Is there anything they can't do?" Homer Simpson
finger gekreuzt
Sorry for the ambiguity; more to come soon...
Fingers crossed: 'finger gekreuzt'