I'm not the most enthusiastic when it comes to celebrating these so called 'days'. If allowed to be an extremist, I'm totally against them. They are no more than a means to burn not one but multiple holes in your pocket! The sad part? Every year and you're supposed to be a nice guy and roll that right way.
The first thing that comes to mind whenever I think or even hear the work 'Valentine' are two naked, winged figures I feel like beating to death. Or if given access to a shotgun, shooting them just to see how far they fall. Don't get me wrong; I have not suffered the cupid's choke hold (read: love) earlier, suffered a heartbreak and now saying these things with a sour taste. I'm just too damn intelligent to fall for all of this, which I hope most of the men are too. Statistics show that women purchase 85% of all valentine gifts!
I presume that most men don't understand valentine or either don't want to understand it. I'm sure I'll be considered normal in the male universe when I say this. Lust I understand, love I don't. So I'd rather have a day to celebrate lust than love! Perhaps we can have a division. Valentine's day celebrated by women and 'Lust Day' by men.
Of course, both sexes need to be accommodating enough to participate in the 'revelry' planned by the other. I can imagine what would be on the cover of a card for Lust Day and what can be written inside, best left to imagination right now.
In the end, even though I might find a way to live with and bear Valentine's Day and all the crap, I still wouldn't stop to find new, innovative and horrible ways to kill those naked flying idiots!
Plagiarized from my brother's mind.
Amazing :)
And yes,lust day does sound more interesting than Love day!!
Interesting thought Arjun . Btw most women hate V day too . its over-rated.
Your thought processes frighten me. If you may think Valentines Day is inane, I may think your birthday is no better.
And if trading love for lust is your idea of being "The Man" then be my guest, by all means.
Valentines is to celebrate love; with friends, siblings, parents and what have you! What you allude to is not love, but the commercialisation of it. Take out your wrath on those cupids that Archies publicises, not to the bending knee who speaks true love. Set on fire those cards which are so devishly hollow, not the heart that beats for the other.
So next year tell your mom how much you love her and give her a warm hug. And no, you dont need that one day in a year to show your feelings, you can do it every single day. But I know you dont, so atleast Valentines' a start!
If love makes the world go around, lust just buys the pancakes. ;)
@ Anonymous: I've a thing to say for each and every line of your comment, but your anonymity is whats frighting, not my thought process. You seem to be pretty good at imparting lectures about love, why not try coming out of the veil of Anonymity and then doing it.
Because what matters is not who speaks the words, but the wisdom in those words. Instead of questioning the imparter, question the words. Thats a true mark of a thinker...
And why should I disclose my identity? So that you could judge the speaker, and not what she/he says?
Whats the use of being a thinker when you don't care to read. Read the last line of the post again, may be that'll put an end to this philo'shit'sophical blabber that you seem to be good at.
A pedophile stalking my blog, a gay guy following my posts, an old lover, an old disgruntled lover, a new lover, a new disgruntled lover... you can be this and many other things. Even an idiot can stay Anonymous and talk shit that he/she things is SO relevant.
You call me names, you call this blabber, you say these are not your words,you reject the person, but you don't address the thoughts, what you really want to say. An intellectual debate wont hurt, but then again, its with you.
So i rest my case.
"The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way."
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