If you know Clark, Barney, Gregory, Michael and even Chris, Dwight and Bart for that matter, you're either a dedicated couch potato or an avid downloader like me. In either case, if you're aware of what I am talking about, you ought to be as excited and impatient about the next few weeks, as much as me.
The wait is FINALLY over and the Fall 2008 broadcasting has started. It has been really boring since the last few months to just sit on the computer and have nothing to do but to play arcade games.
But not anymore!! Smallville returns, How I Met Your Mother returns, The Office returns, The Simpsons returns, Heroes returns, The Big Bang Theory returns, Everybody Hates Chris and Grey's Anatomy also return. There are still a few to add to the returning list. Though all these shows still have 4 - 15 days left for their new seasons to start, the run-up has already begun with House, Prison Break and Entourage, which are back on air since the last few weeks. What initiated with a list of 2-3 shows to look forward to every week, now has expanded to one with almost 14 shows with new ones getting added every few months. These sitcoms and dramas have come to be a part of my daily rut, a necessity, an essential, just like a fag for a smoker, a joint for a junkie, a quarter for a drunkard and porn for some people I know. These shows, some of them even in their 7th season and some in their 3rd or 4th ones, have all been neatly stacked within 40 odd DVDs in 2 CD albums. Each new season acts like a kick to collection obsession I realized I always sufferred from. Its an obsession I'm not really concerned about.Downloading these TV shows is another obsession I face. In fact, its a pretty universal obsession. People all over the globe and
surprisingly, even in my own city, download these shows. Its like, who wouldn't like a free meal?. To download them is free and thus they become like food for thought for people of the downloaders kin. Thanks to the unconcerned and not sought after anti-piracy laws we have in our country, I commit no crime by doing this. Atleast, I stick to foreign TV shows. I heard this incident from a friend once, a true one FYI. Oneday, the internet speeds of all the computers in his college dropped suddenly. Now here, I'm talking about an engineering college with an amazing internet speed and where almost everyone downloads stuff, right from albums to movies to TV shows to unbelievable quantities of porn (acquiring server space upto 20 GB and constantly increasing). They eventually did figure out the problem with the speeds and the reason turned out to be some guy who had consumed all the bandwidth by downloading our infamous 'K' serials. Utilizing free availabilty is something unique and commendable, while insulting the free stuff in just downright sinister and evil. Sure enough, righteousness did triumph that day, evil did lose and the guy did get an unforgettable ass kicking leaving him with lifelong physical limitations.Getting back to the shows, surely they don't serve the 'family' entertainment value and mostly one does have to enjoy them on a tiny computer screen, many atimes even with head phones and also to mention that each of them do take ample amount of time to get downloaded, just the feeling of knowing that some or the other show is waiting to be seen on getting home after a severe study-day in college and then a long day at work and probably (and I hope) with your dinner, wipes out the day's blues in a jiffy.
While some of them are back, the rest will slowly crawl in too and soon enough there will be something too look forward to each day of the week. As the countdown for each of them is nearing an end, the anticipation is growing and the excitement is going through the roof. With Gregory House, Vincent Chase and Michael Scofield providing me the required entertainment for the past few weeks, the rest of the band wagon is soon going to join in and all I can say about the next few weeks, THEY ARE GOING TO BE LEGENDARY!!!P.S - For the benefit of those who share my liking/interest/obsession and more importantly those who ACTUALLY read my blog (:X), here is the
countdown list.
dude.. seriously! but its sucha breather from the indian sitcom shit!!!
btw... i need HOUSE. u have all the seasons??? :P
your article is very nice about Download TV Shows. this is very nice explanation of it.
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